Saturday, April 14, 2012

Same Time Next Year

I am so proud of College Girl! She directed several scenes from Same Time Next Year for her director's class this evening. I was quite pleased with how well it turned out. The actors and sets were good, the scenes were well played and the timing was good. I am just so proud!
I enjoyed having an evening out but more so, I enjoyed spending it being able to see how well she is applying what she has been learning. With her graduation only a month away it is reassuring to see how well she is doing with the skills she has learned. I have always had a tremendous faith in her abilities and I can see now she is developing that faith in herself as well. She is learning to assert herself when it is important. I can not take credit for her raising in any way. She was raised by the time I became a part of this lovely extended family but at the same time I am just as proud as if I had something to do with it! Way to go College Girl! Papi and I are so pleased to be a part of the wonder that is you.

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